Research is important at Frantz Group. We use our findings to fine-tune best practices and to help our clients gain profitable business. We also steer our own business with what we learn.

Two years ago, a Frantz Group survey of marketing and sales executives unearthed findings that clarified the gap between what marketers had been offering to their clients and what was needed. Two key necessities were revealed:

1. A much more affordable way to get value propositions understood by buying influencers, and,

2. A way to shorten ever-lengthening sell cycles experienced over the recent economic downturn.

In response to these important findings, FG made a major move into video marketing.


How does video help solve these two problems?

First, research indicates that (a well-recognized fact) the more senses engaged by a message, the better that message is learned and retained.

A brief video with a strong message that is carefully targeted and well produced, can communicate your value proposition better than any other medium – possibly better than face-to-face – at a moderate cost initially, and at the cost of an email after that.

Second, a crisp video with a clear and powerful value proposition can be very effective at engaging senior executives which can reduce the number of touches required and hence shorten sell-cycles.

Properly managed, video can be built quickly and distributed efficiently. Beyond initial use, video has amazing repurposing potential for marketing uses1 and can provide huge sales cycle support2 as well.

How Frantz Group is using video for our clients:

Frantz Group has incorporated brief, outbound video into all of our major client new customer acquisition programs, in multiple languages, all over the world. We have a growing library of videos developed for clients, including: IBM, Infor, Wyndham Corporation, Manpower, Dassault Systemes, Torex, SAP, Manhattan, JPMorgan Chase, Kelly Services, Jacobus, Cisco, and more.

We have provided videos to be used in many and various marketing settings: driving leads, appointments, event attendance and sign ups, as well as for thought leadership, executive spotlight, and more.

We have built customized RFP response and individual sale videos, which have led to closed revenue.

Our video focus is on telling our client’s value story as vividly and precisely as possible. We have demonstrated a unique ability to grow trust, and have coached client C-level executives in the production process with excellent results.


But, keep this in mind: An email containing a video link is just another email

Building your video is the critical first step, but it must be watched.

FG has learned that the best way to get a video ‘watched and forwarded’ is through traditional integrated marketing support and high quality, live human interaction. Frantz Group has invested substantially in the process surrounding the distribution and viewership of our videos, and, we’ll be happy to share our insight with you.

Properly executed, integrated campaigns with outbound video components are more successful than those without.

To learn more about how video can help you accomplish your goals, fill out our form to the left for a Video Marketing Assessment. We would like to learn about your target opportunity and goals, and to share our experience as well as actual samples from our video library.

1 A video which might have originally been produced for outbound lead generation can be repurposed for numerous other uses: website, blog, shows, events, social media, and so on. It can also be disassembled and used in segments for diverse applications.

2 A lead generation video can be used by sales teams in a number of situations – in one-on-one selling, by channel partners, in presentations, and so on.  A custom introduction or closing can be added to personalize the video for a specific target.