Frantz Group is in business to help you grow yours.

For 27 years, The Frantz Group has helped its clients drive desired revenue growth.

In that process, we have observed firsthand that all of our client’s marketing and sales employees possess some or many of the valuable skills necessary for success.

However, as the years have passed, the range of tasks and technologies required to market effectively has grown many times over.   Now, we have witnessed that no single employee has the capacity to know it all or do it all.

To respond to this situation, Frantz Group utilizes a wide range of senior level experts to help our clients accomplish specific goals in critical marketing and sales processes that our clients do not have the resources to do on their own.

After serving a wide range of clients over a long period of time, we observed and concluded that we could, in parallel, develop client employee skills while accomplishing strategic marketing and sales objectives.

We selectively place client employees in position to leverage hands on working and learning as the live project proceeds.

We deliver our marketing and sales leadership execution and simultaneous education in either “we do it for you” formats or “we teach you how to do it” or something in between based on client’s preference or situation.

We have discovered:

The Benefits for your company

Attending workplace workshops increase the knowledge transfer to the team. It boosts their productivity, particularly when employees with vastly different backgrounds are encouraged to share and leverage their knowledge with each other.

The Benefits for your employee

One of the most valuable benefits of workplace workshops is that they enable more opportunities for advancement. They also provide employees with the skill sets they need to build credibility and gain confidence.

Not only do workshops offer the chance to develop new skill sets, but they also energize your staff’s creativity.  They help them gain new perspective and encourages them to keep up to date with information that could benefit their work.

When staff members know more, it is a given that they work more effectively.   This leads to improved employee retention as they have greater job satisfaction.

We look forward to customizing our workshops to your specific needs.

See below our workshop offerings and what to expect from them:

Sustainable Competitive Advantage Workshop

  • Identification and leverage of advantage messaging versus your competitive field.

Market Growth Initiative Workshop

  • Development of digital and outbound strategies to successfully compete in market.

Target Market Diversification Workshop (Formally Called Market Management)

  • Research Client Opportunities to Profitably Expand Your Target Markets

Branding – Emotional Connector Workshop

  • Research Client Circumstances to Uncover Means to Help Prospects Emotionally Connect With Your Brand and Ultimately Buy From You.

The Product Launch Workshop

  • Lead Your Product Launch Team Through a Marketing and Sales Launch Sequence.

The Content Development Workshop

  • Debrief of Existing Content Currently Available to Support Specific Target Market, Target Product Campaigning. Identification of Missing Content Necessary to Successfully Market. Model Content Development.

Account Based Marketing Workshop

  • Explore Existing and Potential Account Marketing Processes to Understand Constraints and Recommend Winning Processes Go Forward.

Website Messaging Development Workshop

  • Methodically Review Competitive and Industry intelligence to Update Website Key Pages and Calls To Action.

The Proforma Marketing – Sales Financial Planning Workshop

  • Lead Your Stakeholders Through a Financial Goal Setting Exercise Yielding a Proforma Timeline Illustrating Cash Flow Over Time.

B2B Sales Engine Optimization Workshop.

  • Research and identify sales process constraints and recommend actions to correct them to grow close per centage.

Critical Deal Sales Win Workshop

  • Examine the Critical Sales Deal Circumstances and Document Background Account Information necessary to Close Critical Deals.   Actively Make Closing Recommendations.

Frantz Group is in business to help you grow yours.

Please reach out to us via or call us at 262-204-6000