What percentage of goal makes your channel recruiting marketing campaign a success? 95%? 100%? 150%? If it returned 384%, wouldn’t you call it spectacular?
When a multi-billion dollar technology firm approached Frantz Group in June 2012 about discovering channel partners interested in reselling their Managed Services, they set the bar high. Frantz Group raised it even higher. With only weeks left in the project, Frantz Group has produced 223 leads, or 384% of goal. Despite a market saturated with service providers and commoditized services, our marketing professionals have been able to uncover growing channel partners with a strong market share who are looking to expand their mid-market offerings.
How did we do that? Frantz Group knows the value of leveraging the strengths of their employees and putting them in positions to succeed. Our skilled, knowledgeable marketers are able to seamlessly transition from one industry to the next and produce intelligent, rapport-building conversations with potential partners. After extensive training on the services and the partner program, one team member was so successful she began having prospects ask if they could hire Frantz Group to help with their marketing campaigns. In addition to having credible conversations, Frantz Group synergized efforts with private campaigning by sending customized emails and literature to help boost market penetration and awareness.
The client expected Frantz Group to convert 20% of all conversations with decision makers into leads. We were able to deliver a 35% conversion rate! This type of performance is why many companies have continually consulted Frantz Group to plan and execute their marketing campaigns from beginning to end. If you have further questions on the success of partner recruiting or how Frantz Group can help your marketing department get the results you’re looking for, please fill out our form to the left, and we’ll be in touch to answer your questions in detail. Want to call instead? Please reach us at 800-707-0064.