Rise Above the Crowd of Competitors
In the 40 years I have concentrated on sales and marketing strategies in the technology sector I have not met a business owner or top executive who was not focused on growing his/her bottom line and ultimate valuation. These hard driving leaders are typically pushed on by the knowledge that gaining a differentiated, “Unfair Advantage” in the market place is possible, if they work hard enough at it. And some do, and retire well.
For many however, finding that well-articulated, well promoted, elusive combination of value centric products and unique services that sets them apart from their competition remains just out of reach. This often results in flat or see-saw growth instead of a steady rise.
What are the key reasons why finding a unique, value centric market position is such a challenging process?
To begin with, it requires considerable research. Your best market position will need to be wrapped around one or more of the most urgent, current and compelling problems of the day that your firm can actually address. In parallel, it also requires that the market urgent problem you chose to focus on, is one that you can build proof that only your firm truly has the highest value based answer for. Considerable reflection is required to identify and select the most powerful points of differentiation your firm can deliver.
And, we also need to choose which target market to offer this solution to.
We need to conclude is your service or product is delivered differently or more powerfully by industry or size customer? What is your sweet spot? Where do you win most often? Where do you have strong references? Which target market offers you enough volume of companies or contacts to market to, to make your growth objective?
In this work many questions need to be answered, many choices need to be made, no matter how tough they may be.
For Frantz Group customers, help with a methodology and properly skilled resources is the fastest and most reliable means to developing a well differentiated market position and the promise of growth.
Our sequence and work shop orientation give our client teams the time and setting to make critical progress.
We work through:
- How your product or service impacts your customer’s bottom line?
- What is the unique way your firm delivers your solution that drives more definable value than your competition?
- What is your unique process for problem solving along the way?
- How your firm, in parallel, can monitor and ensure the impact to your client’s bottom line happens after installation?
- How we can define your firm’s value as clearly different and more productive than your competition.
Sound like a substantial project?
It has been our experience that most firms are resource light in carrying out this critical growth planning.
Our process and experience brings a new and vibrant energy to the work. We look forward to playing an assist role in driving your growth.
All My Best,
Footnote: Frantz Group’s inspiration for this blog came from a sculpture located in Chicago which is titled “The Businessmen” by Ju Ming. To learn more about this Chicago Landmark, you can visit it in person at The Langham Building, 330 N Wabash Avenue in Chicago, IL or you can click on the following link: http://arcchicago.blogspot.com/2015/03/mies-new-friends-ju-ming-sculpture.html