Most of our clients begin as an organization mired in an industry that is well matured and universally defined and where they accept the competitive rules of the game as they are and have always been. In that setting they marshal their limited resources to attempt to outperform their rivals and grab a greater share of existing demand. But as the market space gets more crowded, prospects for profits and growth are reduced. Products become commodities and cutthroat competition turns the target market ocean bloody.
Authors of the book, “Blue Ocean Strategy”, W. Chan Kim and Renee Mauborgne, call this market scenario a RED OCEAN.
To overcome this, smart companies, like CNN did in the 1980’s when they pioneered 24/7 real time news, created a new high value offering and as a result developed a new and untapped market space where there was the opportunity for highly profitable growth… and they grew exponentially as a result.
Kim and Mauborge refer to this phenomenon as having created a BLUE OCEAN, where competition becomes irrelevant because the rules of the game are waiting to be set.
The challenge is most of my customers are true technology sector strategic growth planning resources light. They don’t have four or more months of time and mountains of budget to invest. As a result they can only bring individuals with very limited time, dissimilar responsibilities and diverse agendas to the table for planning. They simply do not employ people with the time, experience and skills to explore, analyze, select, develop and bring a BLUE OCEAN offering to the market. When they are missing a timely, affordable solution, they fail to innovate a BLUE OCEAN strategy and miss the profit and valuation growth opportunity.
Frantz Group is immersed in this type of situation all day, every day.. and we have developed a BLUE OCEAN solution of our own.
We have developed a framework of workshops to help our clients take a fresh look at themselves and their markets in a way that helps them visualize how what they are already delivering today can be transformed into a BLUE OCEAN game changer. We call this initial session a Right Offer workshop. It is normally less than a 30 day process, with defined pre meeting research, two full onsite days of discussion and decision on direction, designed to teach our clients how to see their potential and seize it.
The Right Offer outcomes are:
- Offers that can trigger a BLUE OCEAN reaction.
- Messaging around the offer that makes the value crystal clear.
- Competitive Analysis
- Market Rollout Roadmaps
- Sales Rollout Education
All delivered in chewable chunks that can readily be applied. We believe this process is the “Right Offer” for now.
Your Right Offers will create value innovations, which will become the cornerstone of your BLUE OCEAN strategy. We’re experts at helping organizations in technology channels define their unique value.
Instead of focusing on beating the competition you focus on making the competition irrelevant.
Now tell me, wouldn’t that feel GREAT????!!!
You will be creating a leap in value for buyers and your company by opening up new an uncontested market space.