The Art of Being CEO


I have been CEO of my company for 26 years.

Prior to that, for 17 years, I sold, managed salespeople and managed marketing operations for IBM.

I respect leadership and those who lead.  I am a student of it.

Now, our Frantz Group mission is to support the CEO to do their job.

To leverage our lifetime experiences to assist the CEO in diagnosing, fine-tuning and driving up revenue engine performance.

What do we know about the CEO role?

We understand that to be CEO is to be on the front line every minute of every day.

To live it, to endure it, to celebrate it.  To stand on the field of battle and see the losses and the gains, win or lose.  To see the impact of the battle on the future.

To see the impact the battle has on people’s lives and carry on.  To see each day as showing promise or deterioration.   To accept that both directions will require your complete energy.

For us, Being CEO Means:

  • Making the choice to lead.
  • To form a direction and go.
  • To ask others to follow you.
  • To digest how far behind you are and how far you have to go.
  • To recognize how long things take… to push or back up intelligently.
  • To seek a relevant outsider’s perspective regularly.
  • To evolve, to reinvent yourself when times change.
  • To tangentially or substantially move your product and your target market when required.
  • To move upstream in your product process as it matures.
  • To target, attract and pick the winning team you need ..  to change skills or players to those that can overcome the obstacles you face.
  • To take rational risks


For me, being CEO has been and remains the best job in the world.  If you are a CEO now or if you want to be one day, congratulations!    You have my respect, admiration and best wishes.

I can promise you, as CEO you will be challenged with revenue engine constraints you have never seen before.

How do I know you will have constraints?

Because I have never met a CEO that didn’t.

John Frantz


Frantz Group is a unique, boutique operation made up of highly skilled professionals who help CEO’s recognize and correct revenue engine constraints.