Frantz Group is proud to announce that one of our clients, a large global PLM software provider, signed contracts for the second half 2011.

Frantz Group has worked with this client since 2000 and directly for them since 2005, providing numerous services, including:

A notable milestone in our working relationship is the fact that FG has met our quarterly lead goal for this client for 24 contiguous quarters.

Our client is pleased with the work Frantz Group does for them and FG is pleased to have them on our roster as well. John Frantz, president of FG, has this to say:

This company has been a great customer for Frantz Group and we’ve been able to help them achieve lead goals in many ways for a decade and beyond. With this client, we have the ideal kind of relationship where we work collaboratively on approach to new markets and general problem solving. They are often generous with complements; we call these emails ‘love letters,’ and post them for all to see in our executive row area. This summer, our client provided on-site training which evolved into another excellent give-and-take, learning/teaching experience. Frantz Group is proud to extend our long relationship.

Frantz Group provides these services based on specific plm related product lines, aligning our messaging and campaigns to specific industry verticals and organization sizes. CRM, email, and web hosting have been provided within the Frantz Group Data Center,  and are following a natural evolution to a full marketing automation package to cover not only North American operations, but other geographies as well. Frantz Group is pleased to continue our consultative role in this evolving and improving marketing infrastructure, while maintaining a high level of success and satisfaction with our customer.