Improving Channel Marketing Programs
The importance of integrated channel programs and co-marketing programs has significantly increased over the last few years. Do you believe your channel co-marketing funds are being fully utilized? If so, you’re one of the few. Many companies today struggle to find ways to fully utilize their co-marketing funds. The correct usage of available marketing materials can be crucial to your receiving the full value of co-marketing funds. Here we look to examine ways to leverage existing content so your marketing budget has room for execution as well as content. Managing the co-marketing process within channels has not progressed at the same rate that technology has enabled improvements in other marketing management functions. By applying technology and automation to this function, you will see the key benefits of dramatically simplifying the process.
We recommend a simple approach to getting started with co-branded integrated marketing campaigns by utilizing a variety of content creation and campaign services to help fill the pipeline. This includes writing blog posts, news articles, and press releases to help improve SEO rankings and inbound traffic. Where possible, integrating content provided to you within your channel is a great way to save some time in the content creation process. The key to being successful with this is to find ways to help make it your own. Ensure that the words and phrases around this content communicate the value that your organization contributes to the product you’re reselling. If you simply repost what your channel partner provides, you won’t be in a unique enough position to drive new traffic through search. If you are able to use pdf materials from your channel partner, look to co-brand those assets, so prospects who view the materials have a clear understanding of your role in the solution.
Crafting co-branded HTML emails for outbound messaging for lead generation, as well as ongoing lead nurture campaigns is another key component to drawing early demand in this type of program. If you’re not comfortable with the conversion ability of the main pages on your website, creation of landing pages and data capture points to support ongoing campaigns is a great method to support this. As an added bonus, pages that convert well through organic search and email tend to be great candidates for search marketing and banner ad campaigns as well. Having a selection of supporting collateral, whitepapers, webinars, videos, etc. to assist with both demand generation programs as well as ongoing nurture activities is a key component as well. If a prospect initially downloaded a whitepaper and a lead generation specialist will follow up, do they have additional creative assets that help move the prospect a step further through the qualification process?
How best to satisfy your channel partners’ marketing needs
In order to satisfy both partners in a co-marketing program it is important to think of the following:
- Brand Guidelines
- Management and distribution of creative assets (improve use of creative materials across all media platforms)
- Email list ownership and opt-out procedures
- Marketing Strategy including target audience
- Campaign execution and support
- Tracking performance of co-marketing programs
Frantz Group can help lower the admin costs by driving a successful demand generation program. We have assembled channel marketing programs that combined a hardware platform with a software solution, allowing both parties to share costs yet keep their data protected. We have created programs that involved vendor and partners jointly funding a program targeting an industry with stronger brand and messaging. We can develop programs that ensure you maximize your co-marketing dollars while leveraging the power of your channel relationships.